Brian Novak
(620) 214-1850 | | | bnovak1 | briannovak
Computational scientist with 10+ years of experience designing, parameterizing, and optimizing simulation workflows to analyze and predict
molecular behavior or properties leading to 21 publications.
Skilled in statistics, machine learning, data processing & visualization, & soware development in Python, Tcl, bash, Snakemake, MATLAB, etc.
Proven success in leading and collaborating with multidisciplinary teams and students on more than 15 projects.
University of Notre Dame
   01/2008
Molecular simulation studies of heterogeneous bubble nucleation: Eects of surface chemistry and topology
Kansas State University
   05/2002
Additional Courses/Certifications
Schrödinger’s Introduction to Molecular Modeling in Drug Discovery (08/2021)
Medicinal Chemistry: The Molecular Basis of Drug Discovery (11/2019)
Data Engineer Associate Certification (12/2023)
Associate Data Scientist in Python Track (01/2025)
Data Scientist in Python Track (01/2025)
Python Developer Track (12/2023)
Data Engineer with Python Track (10/2023)
SQL Fundamentals Track (10/2021)
Data Analyst with Python Track (07/2023)
AI for Scientific Research Specialization (01/2023)
Statistics Fundamentals with Python (07/2023)
GNNs: An Introduction to Graph Neural Networks (12/2023)
Intermediate Julia (04/2023)
Introduction to R (10/2019)
Introduction to Time Series Analysis in Python (10/2019)
Introduction to Programming with MATLAB (12/2015)
Computer languages Python, Tcl, bash, Snakemake, MATLAB, SQL, Mathematica, Julia, R, Fortran
MD related soware LAMMPS, GROMACS, VMD, packmol, mdtraj, mdanalysis, PLUMED, Ovito, NAMD
Other Linux, high performance computing, data analysis, version control, machine learning, scikit-learn
Brian Novak
Research Experience
Louisiana State University Molecular Simulation
  2007/11 - 2021/10
Function and dynamics of the enzyme biotin carboxylase
Estimated free energy dierences for opening ATP binding domains for dimers or monomers with or without bound ATP to support
experimental observations of monomer inactivity and dimer half-sites reactivity.
Sequencing DNA using times-of-flight of single nucleotides
Determined the length of a slit necessary to achieve a particular sequencing error rate using a statistical analysis of extrapolated simu-
lation data allowing various surfaces to be compared.
Simulated 3 nanometer wide slits with walls composed of dierent self-assembled monolayers which showed that surface chemistry
can greatly aect sequencing eiciency.
Self-assembly of cationic linear peptide analogs (LPAs) and their interaction with lipid bilayers
Constructed LPA molecule force field parameters for molecular dynamics simulations.
Demonstrated that longer hydrocarbon connectors lead to deeper penetration into lipid bilayers.
Observed a long-lived trans-bilayer configuration for LPAs with 11 carbon hydrocarbon connectors.
Showed that LPAs with connectors longer than 7 carbons form small micelles at high concentrations.
Behavior of alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) in lipid bilayers
Designed simulations for computation of the most probable depth of the tocopherol chromanol groups in several types of lipid bilayers.
Used DBSCAN clustering to show that higher rates of tocopherol flipping between bilayer leaflets at high concentrations in thinner bi-
layers are associated with bilayer-spanning tocopherol clusters.
Interaction of lignin dimers with lipid bilayers or β-cyclodextrin
Captured lipid transition temperature by defining a normalized deuterium order parameter of the lipid tails.
Utilized unsupervised machine learning to estimate proportions of dierent lignin-cyclodextrin bound states from simulation data.
Interaction of lignin tetramers with microwaves
Showed that some bonds for lignin in deep eutectic solvents are more susceptible to microwaves including the most common monomer
Eect of DMSO on lipid bilayers
Simulations of DMPC bilayers with and without added DMSO showed that DMSO increased the amount of water in the bilayer and the
rate of permeation through the bilayer, changed the lipid head group orientations and dynamics, and modified the electrostatic potential
profile across the bilayer.
Self-assembly of VECAR (vitamin E-carnosine) bolaamphiphiles
Assisted collaborators at Southeastern Louisiana University with simulation setup and analysis.
Assembly was more elongated & branched and formed faster with decreasing acyl chain length between the vitamin E & carnosine ends.
Bulk and interfacial properties of molten metals & alloys
Computed cohesive energies, densities, diusivities, pair distribution functions, viscosities, surface tensions and their temperature de-
pendences near the liquidus temperatures for molten Al, Cr, Ni, Ti, Al-Ni, Al-Ti, and Cr-Ni with assistance from REU students.
Parameterization of phase field models for solidification using molecular dynamics simulations
Designed an algorithm to compute kinetic coeicients of alloys entirely from simulations for the first time.
Developed soware to analyze solid-liquid interfacial properties, including velocity, interfacial free energy, and concentration profiles.
Growth of Cu on TiN
Simulations showed that during deposition of Cu on TiN(100), bcc phase grows initially followed by martensitic transformation of bcc to
twinned fcc(110) consistent with experiments.
Melting point estimation using unsupervised machine learning
Assisted collaborators in the Physics Department with the setup and analysis of simulations.
Hybrid continuum/molecular dynamics simulations
Applied the method to two-phase liquid systems including a realistic system of hexane/water in contact with a PMMA surface.
University of Notre Dame Chemical Engineering
   2002/08 - 2007/09
Bubble nucleation
Showed that 4.5 nm indentations cause a large increase in nucleation rate relative to a smooth surface, but 1.5 nm indentations have
little eect
Applied a thermodynamic model using Mathematica that explained the location of critical bubble nuclei near flat surfaces and extended
this model to geometric surface defects
Kansas State University Chemistry
   1999/01 - 2001/01
Electrochemistry in silica gels
Showed the eects of solute-gel interactions by measuring electrochemiluminescence intensities of Ru(bpy)
and diusion coeicients
of Co(bpy)
in silica gels and organically modified silica gels
Brian Novak
Unraveling the Role of Charge Patterning in the Micellar Structure of Sequence-Defined Amphiphilic Peptoid Oligomers by Molecular
Dynamics Simulations
. Tsai, E.; Gallage Dona, H. K.; Tong, X.; Du, P.; Novak, B.; David, R.; Rick, S. W.; Zhang, D.; Kumar, R.
55, 5197–5212.
Complexation of Lignin Dimers with β-cyclodextrin and Binding Stability Analysis by ESI-MS, Isothermal Titration Calorimetry and
Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Dean, K.; Novak, B.; Moradipour, M.; Tong, X.; Moldovan, D.; Knutson, B. L.; Rankin, S. E.; Lynn, B. J. Phys.
Chem. B 2021, 126, 1655–1667.
A Combined Molecular Dynamics/Monte Carlo Simulation of Cu Thin Film Growth on TiN Substrates: Illustration of Growth Mechanisms
and Comparison with Experiments. Namakian, R.; Novak, B. R.; Zhang, X.; Jin Meng, W.; Moldovan, D. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2021, 151013.
Interaction of Lignin Dimers with Model Cell Membranes: A Quartz Crystal Microbalance and Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study.
Moradipour, M.; Tong, X.; Novak, B.; Kamali, P.; Asare, S. O.; Lynn, B. C.; Moldovan, D.; Rankin, S. E.; Knutson, B. L. Biointerphases 2021, 16 (4),
Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of the Positioning and Dynamics of α-Tocopherol in Phospholipid Bilayers. Kavousi, S.; Novak,
B.; Tong, X.; Moldovan, D. Eur. Biophys. J. 2021.
Quantitative Prediction of Rapid Solidification by Integrated Atomistic and Phase-Field Modeling. Kavousi, S.; Novak, B. R.; Moldovan, D.;
Asle Zaeem, M. Acta Mater. 2021, 211, 116885.
Single Nucleotides Moving Through Nanoslits Composed of Self-Assembled Monolayers via Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Molecular
Dynamics. Tong, X.; Novak, B.; Kavousi, S.; Moldovan, D. J. Phys. Chem. B 2021, 125 (4), 1259–1270.
Interface Kinetics of Rapid Solidification of Binary Alloys by Atomistic Simulations: Application to Ti-Ni Alloys. Kavousi, S.; Novak, B. R.;
Hoyt, J.; Moldovan, D. Comput. Mater. Sci. 2020, 184, 109854.
Experimental and Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of the Eects of Lignin Dimers on the Gel-to-Fluid Phase Transition in DPPC
Bilayers. Tong, X.; Moradipour, M.; Novak, B.; Kamali, P.; Asare, S. O.; Knutson, B. L.; Rankin, S. E.; Lynn, B. C.; Moldovan, D. J. Phys. Chem. B
2019, 123 (39), 8247–8260. (Open Version)
Modified Embedded-Atom Method Potential for High-Temperature Crystal-Melt Properties of Ti–Ni Alloys and Its Application to Phase
Field Simulation of Solidification. Kavousi, S.; Novak, B. R.; Baskes, M. I.; Zaeem, M. A.; Moldovan, D. Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 2019,
28 (1), 015006. (Open Version)
Rapid Microwave-Assisted Biomass Delignification and Lignin Depolymerization in Deep Eutectic Solvents. Muley, P. D.; Mobley, J. K.;
Tong, X.; Novak, B.; Stevens, J.; Moldovan, D.; Shi, J.; Boldor, D. Energy Convers. Manag. 2019, 196, 1080–1088. (Open Version)
Combined Molecular Dynamics and Phase Field Simulation Investigations of Crystal-Melt Interfacial Properties and Dendritic Solidifi-
cation of Highly Undercooled Titanium. Kavousi, S.; Novak, B. R.; Zaeem, M. A.; Moldovan, D. Comput. Mater. Sci. 2019, 163, 218–229. (Open
Identifying Structural Changes with Unsupervised Machine Learning Methods. Walker, N.; Tam, K.-M.; Novak, B.; Jarrell, M. Phys. Rev. E
2018, 98 (5), 053305.
The Role of the Asymmetric Bolaamphiphilic Character of VECAR on the Kinetic and Structural Aspects of ItsSelf-Assembly: A Molecular
Dynamics Simulation Study. Kim, H.-Y.; Novak, B. R.; Shrestha, B.; Lee, S. E.; Moldovan, D. Colloids Surf. Physicochem. Eng. Asp. 2017, 523, 9–18.
(Open Version)
Electrophoretic Transport of Single DNA Nucleotides Through Nanoslits: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study. Xia, K.; Novak, B. R.;
Weerakoon-Ratnayake, K. M.; Soper, S. A.; Nikitopoulos, D. E.; Moldovan, D. J. Phys. Chem. B 2015, 119 (35), 11443–11458.
Cellular Fate of Delivery Systems and Entrapped Bioactives. Sabliov, C. M.; Moldovan, D.; Novak, B.; Borel, T.; Whaley, M. In Nanotechnology
and Functional Foods: Eective Delivery of Bioactive Ingredients; Sabliov, C. M., Chen, H., Yada, R., Eds.; Wiley-Blackwell, 2015; pp 35–51.
Distinguishing Single DNA Nucleotides Based on Their Times of Flight through Nanoslits: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study.
Novak, B. R.; Moldovan, D.; Nikitopoulos, D. E.; Soper, S. A. J. Phys. Chem. B 2013, 117 (12), 3271–3279.
Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of the Eect of DMSO on Structural and Permeation Properties of DMPC Lipid Bilayers. Lin, J.;
Novak, B.; Moldovan, D. J. Phys. Chem. B 2012, 116, 1299–1308.
Behavior of the ATP Grasp Domain of Biotin Carboxylase Monomers and Dimers Studied Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Novak,
B. R.; Moldovan, D.; Waldrop, G. L.; de Queiroz, M. S. Proteins: Struct. Funct. Bioinform. 2011, 79, 622–632.
Umbrella Sampling Simulations of Biotin Carboxylase: Is a Structure with an Open ATP Grasp Domain Stable in Solution? Novak, B. R.;
Moldovan, D.; Waldrop, G. L.; de Queiroz, M. S. J. Phys. Chem. B 2009, 113 (30), 10097–10103.
An Atomistic Simulation Study of the Role of Asperities and Indentations on Heterogeneous Bubble Nucleation. Novak, B. R.; Maginn, E.
J.; McCready, M. J. J. Heat Trans.-T. ASME 2008, 130.
Comparison of Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Bubble Nucleation Using Molecular Simulations. Novak, B. R.; Maginn, E. J.; McCready,
M. J. Phys. Rev. B 2007, 75.
Diusion and Reactivity of Ruthenium (II) Tris(Bipyridine) and Cobalt (II) Tris(Bipyridine) in Organically Modified Silicates. Collinson,
M. M.; Novak, B. J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 2002, 23, 215–220.
Electrochemiluminescence of Ruthenium(II) Tris(Bipyridine) Encapsulated in Sol−Gel Glasses. Collinson, M. M.; Novak, B.; Martin, S. A.;
Taussig, J. S. Anal. Chem. 2000, 72 (13), 2914–2918.
Brian Novak
Oral - Invited
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Biological Systems: Enzyme Conformational Change and Small Molecule (DNA) Sequencing, South-
eastern LA Univ. Chemistry & Physics Seminar (2010). In
Southeastern LA Univ. Chemistry & Physics Seminar
; 2010.
Oral - Conference
Molecular Simulation of Single Nucleotides Moving through Nanoslits Composed of Self-Assembled Monolayers Terminated with Var-
ious Chemical Groups. Tong, X.; Novak, B.; Moldovan, D. In ACS Spring National Meeting; 2018.
Properties of Liquid Ti Alloys from Electrostatic Levitation Experiments and Simulation. Novak, B.; Raush, J.; Zhang, X.; Moldovan, D.;
Meng, W.; Guo, S. In APS March Meeting; 2017.
Self-Assembly of Linear Peptide Analogs and Their Interaction with Lipid Bilayers Using MD Simulations. In Novak, B.; Moldovan, D. 89th
ACS Colloid & Surface Science Symposium; 2015.
MD Simulations of Cationic Linear Peptide Analogs: Self-Assembly and Interaction with DPPC and DPPC/DPPS Lipid Bilayers. Novak, B.
R.; Lin, J.; Moldovan, D. In ACS Fall National Meeting; 2014.
Interaction of Cationic Linear Peptide Analogs with Negatively Charged Lipid Bilayers Studied with Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
Novak, B. R.; Lin, J.; Moldovan, D. In ACS Spring National Meeting; 2013.
Interaction of PLGA nanoparticles with a DMPC bilayer studied using molecular dynamics simulations. Novak, B.; Astete, C.; Sabliov, C.;
Moldovan, D. In APS March Meeting; 2012.
Simulations of Single DNA Nucleotide Transport Through Nanoslits. Novak, B.; Xia, K.; Moldovan, D.; Nikitopoulos, D.; Soper, S. In APS March
Meeting; 2011.
Opening/Closing Dynamics and Subunit Communication in Biotin Carboxylase. Novak, B.; Moldovan, D.; Waldrop, G. L.; de Queiroz, M. S.
In Southwest & Southeastern Regional Meeting of the ACS; 2010.
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Transport of Single DNA Nucleotides Through Nanochannels. Novak, B.; Moldovan, D.; Nikitopou-
los, D.; Soper, S. In APS March Meeting; 2010.
Applying a Thermodynamic Model to Predict the Size of Surface Indentations That Aect Bubble Nucleation. Novak, B.; Maginn, E. J.;
McCready, M. J. In AIChE Annual Meeting; 2007.
Molecular Dynamics Investigation of Bubble Nucleation at a Solid Surface. Novak, B.; Maginn, E. J.; McCready, M. J. In Midwest Thermody-
namics and Statistical Mechanics Conference; 2006.
Eects of Geometric Defects on Superheated Heterogeneous Bubble Nucleation: A Molecular Dynamics Study. Novak, B.; Maginn, E. J.;
McCready, M. J. In AIChE Annual Meeting; 2006.
Superheated Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Bubble Nucleation Rates Using NPT and NP
T Molecular Dynamics: Eects of Surface
Interactions. Novak, B.; Maginn, E. J.; McCready, M. J. In AIChE Annual Meeting; 2005.
Poster - Conference
Insights into the Opening and Closing Dynamics of Biotin Carboxylase. Novak, B.; Moldovan, D.; Waldrop, G.; de Queiroz, M. In APS March
Meeting; 2010.
Opening and Closing of Biotin Carboxylase: Free Energies and Mean First Passage Times. Novak, B.; Moldovan, D.; Waldrop, G.; de Queiroz,
M. In Mardi Gras Conference; 2010.
Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Calculation of Times of Flight of Single DNA Nucleotides Driven through Nanochannels. Novak, B.;
Moldovan, D.; Nikitopoulos, D.; Soper, S. In Mardi Gras Conference; 2010.
MD Simulations of DNA Mononucleotide Transport through Nanochannels. Novak, B.; Lin, J.; Moldovan, D.; Jha, S.; Soper, S.; Nikitopoulos,
D. In
21st EPSCoR National Conference
; 2009.
Umbrella Sampling Simulations of the Closure of Biotin Carboxylase. Novak, B.; Moldovan, D.; Waldrop, G.; de Queiroz, M. In International
Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling; 2008.
Brian Novak
Author only
Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of the Eect of Lignin Dimers on the Gel to Liquid-Crystalline Transition Temperature in DPPC
Bilayers. Tong, X.; Maradipour, M.; Novak, B.; Knutson, B.; Rankin, S.; Lynn, B.; Moldovan, D. In ACS Spring National Meeting; 2019.
Phase Field Modeling of Rapid Solidification of Ti-Ni Alloy Parameterized Using Interfacial Properties Calculated from Atomistic Simu-
lations. Kavousi, S.; Novak, B.; Moldovan, D. In MRS Fall Meeting; 2019.
Combined Molecular Dynamics and Phase Field Simulation Study of Directional Solidification of NiTi Alloy. Kavousi, S.; Novak, B.;
Moldovan, D. In TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition; 2019.
Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of Alpha-Tocopherol Interaction with Lipid Bilayers. Kavousi, S.; Novak, B.; Moldovan, D. In ACS
Spring National Meeting; 2018.
Ab Initio Calculations of Transport in Titanium and Aluminum Mixtures. Walker, N.; Novak, B.; Tam, K. M.; Moldovan, D.; Jarrell, M. In APS
March Meeting; 2017.
Finite Size Scaling of the First Order Transition of Molecular Systems. Tam, K. M.; Novak, B.; Walker, N.; Moldovan, D.; Jarrell, M. In APS March
Meeting; 2017.
Measurement and Calculation of Liquid Ti Alloy Properties with Application to 3D Printing. Raush, J.; Novak, B.; Zhang, X.; Moldovan, D.;
Meng, W.; Guo, S. In 4th World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering; 2017.
Self-Assemblies of Novel Molecules, VECAR. Shrestha, B.; Kim, H.-Y.; Lee, S.; Novak, B.; Moldovan, D. In APS March Meeting; 2015.
Investigation of Linear Peptide Analogs Self-Assembly and Interaction with DPPC and DPPC/DPPS Lipid Bilayers: A Molecular Dynamics
Simulation Study. Novak, B.; Lin, J.; Moldovan, D. In The Central and Eastern European Conference on Health and the Environment; 2014.
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Electrically Driven Single DNA Nucleotides through Nanoslits. Xia, K.; Lin, J.; Nikitopoulos, D.;
Moldovan, D. In ACS Spring National Meeting; 2013.
Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of Bile Salt Aggregation and Interaction with Vitamin E. Lin, J.; Novak, B.; Moldovan, D. In ACS Spring
National Meeting; 2013.
MD Simulation Study of the Eect of Electric Field on the Dynamics of DNA Nucleotides in Hydrophobic Nanoslits. Xia, K.; Novak, B.;
Moldovan, D.; Nikitopoulos, D.; Soper, S. In ACS Spring National Meeting; 2012.
Atomistic Simulation Study of Single DNA Nucleotide Transport through Nanoslits. Novak, B.; Xia, K.; Nikitopoulos, D.; Soper, S.; Moldovan,
D. In ACS Spring National Meeting; 2012.
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Adsorption and Positioning of Vitamin E in DMPC Lipid Bilayers: Implication for Their Antioxidant
Inhibition. Novak, B.; Lin, J.; Moldovan, D. In Colloids and Nanomedicine; 2012.
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Bile Salts Micelle Self-Assembly in Aqueous Solutions. Lin, J.; Novak, B.; Moldovan, D. In ACS Spring
National Meeting; 2012.
Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of Structural Changes and Pore Formation in Phospholipid Bilayers in the Presence of Dimethyl-
sulfoxide. Moldovan, D.; Alapati, R.; Novak, B.; Devireddy, R. In APS March Meeting; 2010.
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Movement of Single DNA Nucleotides through Nanoslits. Novak, B.; Xia, K.; Moldovan, D.; Niki-
topoulos, D.; Soper, S. In Southwest & Southeastern Regional Meeting of the ACS; 2010.
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Self-Assembly of Span80 into Micelles and Their Interaction with Vitamin E. Lao, J.; Lin, J.; Xia, K.;
Sabliov, C.; Moldovan, D. In Mardi Gras Conference; 2010.
Transport of Single Molecules through Nanochannels: A Novel Approach to DNA Sequencing. Chantiwas, R.; Hupert, M.; Lopez, J.; Datta,
P.; Gottert, J.; Novak, B.; Moldovan, D.; Jha, S.; Park, S.; Murphy, M.; et al. In International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and
Life Sciences; 2009.
Peer Reviewing
Improved kinetic description of fast relaxation of cylindrical micelles, Physica A, 2018-10-11
Shuled lipidation pattern and degree of lipidation determines the membrane interaction behavior of a linear cationic membrane-
active peptide, Mol. Pharm., 2018-04-29
Rapid Transport of Deformation-Tuned Nanoparticles across Biological Hydrogels and Cellular Barriers, Nat. Commun., 2017-12-05
Leadership & Teaching Experience
Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA
 2007/11 - 2021/10
7 graduate students
10 undergraduate students
   2015/08 - 2015/12
University of Notre Dame Chemical Engineering
  2002/08 - 2004/05
Chemical Engineering Laboratory II (Fall 2002) Supervised 3 experiments
Chemical Engineering Laboratory I (Spring 2003) Supervised 2 experiments
Introduction to Chemical Engineering (Fall 2003) Graded homework and tests
Global Climate Change (Spring 2004) Homework solutions and grading